Why Themery.nvim is adopting a new persistence system for better usability

Other languages: Español

Original post.

When I initially created Themery, one of the most important aspects for me was to ensure that it didn’t negatively affect the startup speed of Neovim. I decided that the best way to achieve this was to let Vim handle the loading of the user-saved theme configuration automatically, without the need for the plugin to intervene (persistence). To achieve this, users needed to follow very specific steps to configure.


Although this idea seemed great on paper, in practice, the configuration turned out to be confusing for many users, as it wasn’t a common procedure in the plugin ecosystem. Recognizing the need for improvement, I’ve been testing the difference between loading the state natively as before and loading it from Themery. The results showed practically no difference and no flicker for the user, as initially anticipated.

  • ✅ Themery will work immediately.
  • ✅ It will allow for the development of more advanced features.
  • ❌ If you uninstall Themery, you’ll need to configure the color scheme manually, as it won’t load automatically.


Therefore, Themery will change its current persistence system to a more automatic one, which will be more transparent to the user. The necessary information will be stored in a predetermined directory within Neovim’s data.